Contao Two Month Review September and October 2021

In this short article, we will spend our time with a deep dive into the Contao universe.

Recap of the first Contao Core Developers Meeting 2021

Every year, the Contao Core development team meets twice for a short code sprint of three days.

Contao Two Month Review July and August 2021

In August we welcomed a new Contao version.

Contao 4.12.0 is available

Contao version 4.12.0 is available. The release includes new features such as extended locale IDs, a guests group, an improved Markdown element, centralized JSON+LD management, support for Twig templates and Symfony 5.3, and more.

Security updates on August 11th, 2021

On Wednesday, August 11th, 2021, we will release security updates for Contao 4.4, 4.9 and 4.11.